As Spring arrives, the days are lighter and the weather is improving which is great for all animal owners. We can enjoy nice long walks with the dogs again, our cats are more keen to go outdoors and our small furry friends can be let out to eat fresh grass!
As always though we would like to remind you of some potential Spring time toxins and risks.
- Spring plants such as Daffodils
- Mushrooms and toadstools
- Gardening products such as weed killers and fertilizers
- Easter treats such as chocolate, hot cross buns and products containing Xylitol
The Veterinary Poisons information service (VPIS) is a great source of information about these toxicities and some of our previous posts may be helpful too.
- VPIS Spring Hazards
- VPIS Common poisons in your home and garden
- Hollybank Easter toxins
- Hollybank Fly strike in rabbits
If you are worried you pet has eaten something toxic then please ring us for advice on
01606 880 890