Seasonal EASTER toxins!!
We hope that everyone has a lovely Easter weekend with family, friends and their pets. We know for ourselves this involves lots of tasty Easter traditions and with any luck some sunshine! We would like to remind you however that lots of Easter treats are not animal friendly and to take care over the next few days with what your animal is able to get their paws on! This includes:
Hot cross buns! Grapes, Raisins, Currants and sultanas are toxic. They can cause severe kidney injury in both cats and dogs.
Easter eggs, cakes and treats. Both milk and dark chocolate can be toxic when ingested in large quantities. Other sugary treats can include a sugar substitute called xylitol; this can cause low blood glucose levels and seizures.
Family Easter meals! Onions, garlic and shallots are toxic and we would advice against giving your dog any leftovers.
Daffodils. The plants, leaves but especially the bulbs can be toxic
If you are concerned that your pet has eaten something that they shouldn’t have then contact us on 01606 880 890.