Like cats, dogs can also get dental disease if their teeth are not looked after at home.
We encourage owners to brush their dog’s teeth from a young age to get them used to this and to be tolerant of dental exams. Brushing your dog’s teeth is the most effective way to prevent tartar build up, gingivitis and the development of periodontal disease. We provide guidance on tooth brushing a at our puppy clubs and then later in life as needed during our free oral care clinics.
Periodontal disease is inflammation of the gums and the tissues that hold the teeth in place. It can lead to jawbone loss and loose teeth meaning teeth will need extracting. It is caused by plaque and bacteria in the mouth which can be prevented by preventative dental care. Tooth brushing is ideal, but alternative options such as food and water additives can be helpful and are also discussed in our oral care clinics.
Despite our best efforts, it is still possible to develop periodontal disease and for this to be treated, dogs must come in for a dental procedure. All of our dental procedures are performed under general anaesthesia to allow a full and adequate oral examination. Although humans can undergo conscious dental treatment, this is not safe for our furry patients and could cause more pain. It’s also really important to examine and remove tartar below the gum line; without this, dental disease will still progress despite the tooth on the surface looking clean and this can only be done in an anaesthetised patient.
For our dental exams, the first thing we do once the patient is under anaesthetic is to make up a chart of the patient’s mouth. This notes down a gingivitis and calculus score for each tooth. It also allows identification of loose teeth, fractures, root exposure and spaces around the tooth consistent with periodontal disease.
Once we have charted the patient’s mouth we will then scale the teeth, removing calculus and tartar and also cleaning under the gum line. The necessary extractions will then be performed with the aid of dental x-rays if needed. Finally, the teeth are polished and any extraction sites are flushed with an antibacterial wash.
Your dog will likely go home with further pain relief and occasionally antibiotics. A post op check will take place around 5 days later to ensure the mouth is healing well. We would advise coming for an oral health clinic about a month after this in order to try and help you maintain any remaining teeth as best you can.
Dog Specific problems
We may see tooth fractures and other oral injuries in dogs that chew inappropriate items. These may be sticks, bones or very hard chews.
We have seen patients with fractured teeth from chewing items that are too hard. These fractured teeth usually need to be extracted as the pulp cavity and nerve of the tooth can be exposed, causing pain and opening the tooth to infection. Dogs that chew sticks can be prone to injuries anywhere on the body but oral injuries due to sticks are common. Pieces of wood may get lodged between teeth, or in the roof of the mouth, or splinters of wood could penetrate the gum. This could go unnoticed for a while but may develop a swelling or abscess which may need surgical treatment.
Many dental problems in dogs can be prevented or slowed down with at-home care which highlights the importance of our RVN oral care clinics. If you have any concerns with your pet’s mouth then we encourage you to contact us on 01606 880890 or 01606 717969 for an appointment