Cryotherapy: Before and After
Cryotherapy refers to a procedure where we use extreme cold temperatures to ‘freeze off’ small skin lesions. The procedure uses Cryogen gases which provide rapid freezing of tissue which damages the associated cells and blood supply.
What are the benefits of cryotherapy?
Most patients tolerate application really well so the procedure can be carried out in conscious patients and little aftercare is required, typically without any need for rest or pain relief. Most dogs will also leave the area alone reducing the likelihood for a medical pet suit or buster collar.
What things do we have to consider when assessing patient suitability?
Only benign skin lesions are suitable for freezing. As such, we may suggest sampling the skin lesion first. The maximum size is approximately 12 milimeters wide due to the application method and technique. Even appropriately sized skin lesions, if they are very dense in nature, may require a couple of sessions to ensure we have an effective freeze. Patient temperament and location of the lesion can also be limiting factors. For example, lesions around the head and face require a more calm and tolerant patient as we have to take measures to cover the eyes.
What to expect at the time of the procedure?
The procedure can take place within a 15-30 minute consultation. Immediately after cryotherapy, the area may be be more red and fragile which can last for a few days.
What to expect after the procedure?
Over the next 7-10 days, the lesion should start to become dry, get smaller and turn black. It will eventually fall off although some patients will get a crusted scab like area first. Underneath, we would expect a rounded area of healthy healing skin. It is important to come back for your post cryotherapy check in order to be sure that the entire lesion has been frozen effectively and that the resulting area is healing well. Permanent hair loss and/or skin and coat colour change are possible side effects.
Before, During and After
If you are interested and/or have further questions then please contact us on 01606 880890 or 01606 717 969